Layering colours and textures
My lack of discipline boarders on the pathological. There, I said it. This is a fact verified by my local Crossfit gym (sorry guys, I promise I’ll see you soon) and my local wine shop (sorry guys, I promise I’ll stop bothering you…one day). But in the broad litany of self imposed rules that get regularly broken, there is one that remains like a shining beacon of sanctimonious smugness.
I make my bed. Everyday. Ok fine, 363 days a year. The other 2 days are those in which I feel too mean spirited to dislodge my peacefully slumbering cat. Every morning I not only make the bed, I style and plump and fluff as though a photoshoot were about to happen. For me, this sets the tone for the day and my mindset. No matter what potential bin fires to threaten my zen, at least I’ve made the bed #adulting. If afore mentioned bin fires escalate to full blown crises, there’s always the luxury and embracing comfort that is crawling into a beautiful bed after a crap day….with wine. And chocolate. And the Cat. I digress.
So, how do you style your own insta worthy boudoir? Here’s how:
You’ll need:
2 European pillows
4 Standard pillows (2 will be “sleeping” pillows)
1 doona (more on doona’s later)
1 plain sheet set and doona cover set
2 Euro pillow cases
1 or 2 scatter cushions
1 throw or quilt/comforter
Sounds like a lot but once it’s all in place it certainly won’t look like that. Choose high loft/high profile options as you want billowy goodness. Buy the best quality you can afford, unfortunately the tantalisingly cheap bedding isn’t great. And that’s not me being a bougie stylist either. Both from a function and design perspective they perform terribly…and terrible performance in the bedroom should always be avoided.
Choosing colours:
Mixing and matching colours can be hit and miss, even for us pros. To ensure a hit, pick out a few colours from an artwork or if you’re using a doona cover with patterns, select 1 colour from the pattern and use it for the sheets and another colour or 2 for the scatter cushions, euro pillow cases and throw. Voila, design cohesion.
You don’t have to use lots of colours, or any in fact. Simple white or monochrome is still super fabulous but bring it to life with a combo of textures. Think, smooth cotton sheets, chunky knit throws and tactile velvet.
First up? The sheet set which is is pretty straight forward.
Second, the doona and throws. I usually go one of two ways here. If I’m using a throw, I’ll lay the doona on the bed, position the throw towards the end (but not all the way) then fold the top of the doona back to the foot of the bed (over the throw) and then back again to the top of the now folded doona…kinda like a “Z”. If I’m using a quilt or comforter, I will lay that down on the bed first and fold to the top about 1/3 down, then fold the doona two or three times and lay that at the foot of the bed (you can fold this in a way so when you get into bed, you can just grab the top and pull up rather than going to the hassle of unfolding then laying it back on the bed….basically, another Z fold).
The pillows. The standard pillows you use for the basic pillow cases in your sheet set are your “sleeping” pillows (if you use some fancy ergonomic bamboo pillow as seen on TV? Put that in the wardrobe….nobody got time for that). You want to hide the sleeping pillows a little bit as they tend to get a bit messed up. My go-to pillow combo is euros sitting fluffed and upright up the back, the “sleeping pillows” then the decorative standard pillows (rocking the pillow cases that came with your doona set) up front and showing off. Either stack the standard pillows on top of each other or prop them up like a filing cabinet. I NEVER have pillows sitting on the doona, they sit on the sheets. Dunno why but to me, it looks a bit boring and you loose some of that puff we’re trying to infuse in the final look. Give the scatter cushion/s a puff up and place in the centre in front of your pillow stack. if using down cushion inserts don’t forget the chop…it can be quite satisfying on a Monday morning…
And you’re done! I know it sounds like a lot of bother but really, after the first couple of makes, the bed sorta starts making it myself. For me, this entire process at home in the morning takes maybe 5 minutes? No lie.
The doona: Further on doonas as they’re important. The high loft doonas are the best with goose and duck down considered the gold standard….and they’re lovely. But, unless you’re sure the down is ethically sourced avoid them. You don’t even wanna know what happens to the poor feathery guys supplying the filler and who wants to sleep under all that bad karma? I love micro fibre down guilts. They’re luxe, puffy, warm AND cruelty free. If you have a “hot” partner, a good solution is using 2 doonas with different warmth ratings. Put each in a different cover and use one in place of a throw. or comforter This is also a great solution for summer when you don’t need the warmth but still want that high loft effect.
The haters: For reals. Lots of people get mystifyingly fussy about using lots of pillows on beds (and couches). Sadly, the shade is likely to come from a source surprisingly close to home by way of your significant other. “Why do we need so many pillows, we only have one head, wah wah wah.” Whatevs. I say do your thing until they can pack the dishwasher properly…
Happy styling, Peeps!
Dave xx